Questions to ask your property manager

Do you own a rental property in Tucson and considering hiring a professional property management company in Tucson? Bring these following questions to ask your property manager to the meeting!

Randall Averitte property management TucsonRandall Averitte gives insider information about property management in Tucson. With 25 years of experience in property management and as a property investor himself, Randall’s insights are invaluable for anyone wanting to own profitable income properties.

The first question to ask your property manager:

Do you come out to my property that I want to rent?

This seems likes a no brainer, but there are plenty of property management companies in the Tucson area that don’t!   In order to discuss rental options and rental rates it’s incredibly important that your property manager check out your property. During this walk through they can recommend a few things to make your rental property appealing to great tenants.

Do you guarantee renter placement?

If the company you interview says ‘no’, then walk away. A good property management company will have the experience, tools, and marketing skills to ensure that your property doesn’t sit vacant.

How often do you inspect my rental property?

Crazy things can happen in residential rentals. Randall Averitte hears horror stories from DIY income property owners who seek help after seeing the damage their renters create.   Regular property inspections offer 2-fold benefits. First, tenants know that at any given time (with 24 hours notice), their property may be inspected. Because of this, they tend to keep up the property better. Second, if anything should happen the property management team can quickly rectify the problem with little to no stress for the property owner.

Do you offer online rental payments?

We are living in the age of technology. Requiring a renter to drop off a check each month is like asking them to drive a horse and buggy to work. The property management company you choose should make it easy to pay rent. This ensures on-time rental payments for your property.

How do you make sure you are placing good tenants in my property?

Most property management companies do a background check, but using only this method can leave out important information when approving a tenant. Randall Averitte suggests that you should also verify employment and rental history to ensure there is nothing to worry about.

Once you hire the right property manager for your income property in Tucson you can rest assured that your property will be well taken care of. After all, your income properties are important investments for your future livelihood. Which is why the questions to ask your property manager that Randall Averitte explained above are so important to ask.


If you have any questions, make sure to ask! You can contact us HERE or call us at 502-883-7368

PS: we wrote up this great case study so you can read a real life scenario with a property management company to see if its for you.



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